Thursday, July 25, 2013


We spent a few quiet days in Limoges.  We arrived late on Saturday night, but first ventured out into the town on Sunday.  Unfortunately, almost everything was closed.  It felt like we were in a ghost town.  The only place where we could find food was at a Subway restaurant where we were forced to dine.  At least there was a pretty terrace outside.

We wandered around the deserted streets for awhile until we found the river running through the town.  The girls quickly found a small dock to jump off from and have a refreshing swim.

Limoges is known for its porcelain and fine china.  Many of the buildings are decorated with mosaic tiles.

An old book store.

Fun at a city park.  The two other mothers at the park were quite surprised to see Cedar and Jasmine having so much fun.
Cedar left us in Limoges to go visit her friend Emilie who lives a few hours away by train.  Jas and I left the following day for a full day of train rides to get to Annecy, in the Alps.

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