Saturday, July 25, 2009

Halong Bay

We took a boat around Halong Bay for 2 days. The food on the boat was not so good ( actually it was pretty gross). But, besides that it was lots of fun. We got to jump off the top of the boat and go swimming in the ocean, go kayaking and do karaoke (which the Vietnamese take very, very seriously by the way).

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Random pictures

Vietnamese are big tennis fans.

Watermelon field and farmer.

Watermelon break.

Chicken or duck? - your choice.

Yes it is the rainy season. The girls get a plastic sheet while Jenn gets a cardboard box to help keep dry.

Jasmine saying good bye to a favourite pair of shorts.

Army jeep from the war.

Vinh Moc Tunnels

Built by the North Vietnamese during the American War, the tunnels provided protection from the intense bombings by American forces. The tunnels were home to approxiamately 60 families between 1966 to 1972. Seventeen babies were born in the tunnels during that time period.

Families are living in the tunnels to this day.

We stopped our motorcycle to take a look at an old American tank. A concrete slab said somethig about McNamara; unfortunately we can't read Vietnamese so can't tell you what it said.

Cedar standing in a bomb hole.