Monday, August 19, 2013


 A picture of us with Tante Gerti in her garden in Salzburg.
In front of the "Famíly Von Trapp house" from the Sound of Music.

The Stiegl Bräu Stubl.
View of Salzburg from Mönchberg.
 The Dopplersteig trail up the Untersberg.
 A post card from 1910 of the house where Martin`s father, Sebastian Fichtl, lived until the age of 16. The house was built in the 1600s.  The picture above is the  house as it looks today. It is no longer lived in.
A post card of the so-called Fichtl curve taken in 1910.

Swimming in the Alterbach. The creek was diverted to provide water for the Fichtl saw mill.